The Bravery of Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu)

On the day of (the battle) of Yarmuk, the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) said to Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), “Why don’t you go full in and attack the enemy, and we shall follow you in attacking them?”

Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied, “I know that if I go full in to attack them, you people will not join me.”

The Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) said, “No, we will join you.”

Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thus pierced through the lines of the enemy attacking them. He continued attacking the enemy until he reached the end of the enemy’s side and none of his companions joined him till this point.

Then when he began returning (back to the muslim’s side), the enemy got hold of the bridle of his horse and they struck him twice (with their swords) on his shoulder. Apart from these two wounds (which he sustained in the battle of Yarmook), there was another wound in between these two wounds caused by a strike of a sword, which he sustained on the day of Badr while fighting.

After mentioning the above, Urwah (rahimahullah) said, “When I was a child, while playing, I used to put my fingers in the holes (of the skin of his shoulder).

On that day (of Yarmouk, my brother) Abdullah bin Zubair was also with him (our father, Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu)) and he was ten years old at that time. Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) put him on a horse and appointed someone to take care of him (in his absence during the battle).

(Saheeh Bukaari #3975)

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