The Justice of Hazrat ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu)

‘Ali bin Rabee‘ah reports that on one occasion, Hazrat Ja’dah bin Hubairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) came to Hazrat ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and said, “O Ameer-ul-Mu’mineen! We find that two people come to you (with their dispute). One of the two is such that you are more beloved to him than even his own family and his wealth, whereas the other person is such that if he was able to slaughter you, then he would do so (out of his enmity for you). Yet, despite this, you pass judgment in favor of the one who hates you, against the one who loves you!”

Hearing this, Hazrat ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) slightly struck the chest of Hazrat Ja’dah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) with his hand (out of affection and in order to draw his attention to what he was about to mention to him) and then said to him, “If judgment was based on the relationship I have with people, then I could have decided in favor of whomsoever I please. However, judgment is based on the command of Allah Ta‘ala (and in favor of the one who is upon haq. Since the person who hates me is on the haq, I will have to pass judgment in his favor).”

(Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah 11/108)

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